Monday, April 2, 2012

Mount Olivet Cemetery

Sergio and I gallivanted around SLC during our spring break to blow through some birthday money and take a little day trip, the first place we stoped  at was Mount Olivet Cemetery which is located directly across the street from the U's football stadium. (Have I mentioned how much I adore cemeteries? I think I may have but only a couple times over the past year) We spent over 2 hours looking at each grave stone and the statues even spotted a deer! (can you spot it ?) I recently heard that in the late 1800's and early 1900's people would go to cemeteries to look at the art much like a museum and it was not uncommon for entire families to picnic in the cemetery or visit for the sake of enjoyment. Sounds like my kinda family outing! Check out more pictures from our adventure after the jump.

I can't wait to go back soon.

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