Hey y'all! It's so weird that I've been 'gone' from the blogging world for almost a month. I normally try to write each post at least a week to three weeks before it ever shows up which means that I left Eloquent Sticks & Stones unattended for even longer than my last post hit the airwaves. November had me soooooo swamped with projects/gift making which at the end of the day/week/month I had no energy left to give to the ol' bloggy blog. (sad face) One project in particular that had dominated most of my November would hands down have to be all the time I spent creating the album art that my uncle asked me to create for the folk CD he is currently recording. (Making art for family would have to be the most rewarding and stressful task EVER) Also I've been trying to get on top of all my Christmas posts. Originally, I was going to do 55 days of wonderful Christmas content but with everything that has been on my plate the 55 days project never took off. Christmas is my favorite time of year and I've been planning/photographing posts since September but it became clear early on I wouldn't be able to commit the time to plan 55 consecutive projects this year. As of right now it is looking like there will be a good solid 12 days of Christmas DIY's later on in December to fill the time I will be spending in Wisconsin, in addition to other Christmas related posts. The whole point of this post is to say 'Hi I am back and I painted a pork chopped shape guitar while I was away!'
That is awesome! Nice work! :) I'm excited to see you!