Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer of Love

If there is anything that the cruel last six months of 2012 taught me is that love truly is all you need to be happy/live life to the fullest. I am talking about all levels of love; self-love, unending love from the Great I Am, the love of family as well as friends and your true love... Life isn't easy for me, or anyone else for that matter, but I am truly blessed to have an almost overwhelming amount of love in my life. I've always felt like I won the genetic lottery because I was born into an EXTREMELY affectionate, supportive, funny and close knit family which taught me how to freely  love those outside of the families dynamic. The point of this post is to focus on one of  my most rewarding sources of love : Sergio. He is my boyfriend, my closest friend, biggest fan and best friend... he gets me in a way that most people never could comprehend (even if he can be kinda clueless.) I didn't understand what people meant when they referred to someone as their 'soul mate' before I fell in love with him but I honestly do now and have no issue referring to him as my Missing Piece. I am grateful that his mother taught Sergio how to love without hesitation or be ashamed of his feelings. We go through trials together and grow closer as a pair but sometimes it's easy for me to not think about the amazing relationship between us... not because I don't appreciate him but because it feels like it he has ALWAYS my entire life been there. I can't remember life before Sergio, like life could not have existed for me without him as my other half... and I am not always the sweetest to him (Sorry) so I am making it my mission to fully enjoy our wonderful relationship  (and be young kids in love in a small town )as much as possible this summer. I am starting off by making a summer list of things for us to-do. Listed below. 

(Sorry for the long winded intro but sometimes the only way to verbally explain how much you love someone is to string a whole bunch of run on sentences together at midnight for all the Internet to read... Sergio, you're It. It's you.) 

1. Go on an adorable picnic. 
Checkered blanket, picnic basket, sundress, lemonade... the WHOLE 9 yards.

2. Kiss inside of a photo booth while getting our photo taken.

3. Take a breakfast hike to the wind caves and eat homemade granola at the top. 
This is a Three parter. Wake up early. Hike. Make homemade granola bars.  We made the granola bars, they are sleeping in our freezer until we can wake up early and hike.

4. Take a couples portrait  with a cat themed prop...
Think hand painted cat masks.... it will be amazing.

5. Board games outside on the porch.
I will play life on the farm and checkers. that's a promise.

6. Learn how to both play that Civil Wars song. 
You know the one you are. forever. singing.

7. Got to the planetarium. 
you like space, I like you.

I won't make fun of your denim jacket.

9. Watch some movies on the porch late into the night.

10. See the Batman movie the midnight showing. 
Did you really think this wasn't going to be on the list?! Done. It was amazing... plus we matched see :
 11. Putt-Putt Golf... 

12. Bike to the park and play basketball till we are sticky with sweat then go to the slushy shack.
All or nothing, dude.

13. Dress up fancy and have a dance party in my room. 
... like Contagion but neither of us will die in 24 hours.

14. Bike to the library.
Spend hours looking at books and being creative.

15. Spend a day in SLC and use the hop on hop off tour bus. 
Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? maybe see an imax.

16. Above the rim huckleberry shakes.  Done!
Went to Arctic Circle on July 3rd for above the rim shakes, technically we didn't get Huckleberry shakes but I had Raspberry Cheesecake and Sergio had Banana Creme Pie... which are our favorite desserts soooo I consider this a win.

17. Real cream soda's at bluebirds. 

18. An entire day of yard saling, pawn shopping and thrifting.

 I mean little big planet or rent a silly one from Red Box.

20. Visit The Utah Museum of Fine Art. 

21. Spend an entire morning at the Logan farmers market. 
Ice coffee and listening to music. 

22. Attend a movie in the park.

23. Explore (via bikes/walking) Downtown Tremonton.
You ALWAYS want to do this. 

24. Play with the cats.
like we used to for hours before bed.

25. Go to the fair.

I would like to add 25 more after I consult with Sergio... later.

1 comment:

  1. This is adorable, and lovely, and everything I want in a blog and more! You guys are adorable and I love you together; I love that he is your Missing Piece. Much love and encouragement from Wisconsin xoxo


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