Saturday, June 30, 2012

I am home.

I am back from my glorious time in Wisconsin, although the reason I went home was for the burial of my three family members I am sad the trip is over. The burial brought a lot of closure and it was a super refreshing change of pace to hang out with friends, again, as I don't have many within the state I live in. I spent a lot of time by my favorite body's of water and collected a thrilling about of beach glass. Another event of note is that I got to hold my niece for the very first time and she is beyond wonderful. I could hold her for the rest of my life and be totally content with my life. There is so much love and acceptance in Wisconsin its hard for my spend my days thousands of miles away from the friends, family and environment that make me feel most fulfilled. I should mention things are going to be a little slow around here until I get back into the pace of blogging which may take a while as life is crazy hectic in Utah! The A/C recently broke during a hundred degree day, the whole state is basically on fire, my puppy Leo is very ill but seemly a little better, my digital camera met its demise, I am suffering from some sort of heat induced rash (not heat rash) and every promising job opening seems to be filled seconds of my turning in my resume. I am trying my best not to lose heart but this whole year has been very, very, very trying... I've just got to put all my burdens at the feet of the Lord and know I will be fine. At least I've got this delightful blog to turn to when I need a little pick me up!

1 comment:

Hello! Thank you for taking a few moments of your time to add your own eloquent voice to this topic! I try to return each response I get as soon as possible but If you are interested in a faster response feel free to tweet me at @Eloquent_stones. Have a wonderful day.