Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oh, shoot! #3

Lucky you! I've got another Oh, Shoot! for all my lovely blog readers! I am REALLY pleased with how this photo experimentation turned out. I have so many ideas of how to expand this idea into 4 or 5 other ideas. I am especially pleased because I feel that I finally created a disposable camera like effect without using photo manipulating software aside from minor color editing and resizing on picnik. First and Second installments of Oh, Shoot! can be found here. Also more images and the how to after the jump!

As always this is SUPER easy to do to a point and shoot but unfortunately it is not as easy for me to explain... so below is the image of what I did to my camera below it I will further explain how I achieved this effect.
So I used my trusty friend, painters tape, to create a small uncovered area of the lens. That's it. You don't need to adjust anything just put your camera on Auto and snap away. A couple tips: works best if the room or environment is dark and use a ton of  layers with the painters take to create a crisp edge.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this series! It's definitely my favorite besides your outfit posts and crafts.... aka I love everything you do?


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