Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh, Shoot! #2

I've been having so much fun trying to get my point and shoot to create toy camera like images and because my digital camera is relatively inexpensive I am not so afraid to experiment. I have been having so much fun putting tape over this or temporarily attaching that to the lens. Without further delay here is the second installment of Oh, Shoot! ( You can view the first one here) More images after the jump!

So this is TOO easy to do actually... its just a slide held over my lens. I attached the slide with a couple pieces of painters tape to create a little flap. So easy and fun! 


  1. Hey there!
    I just found your blog, and I love it!
    I followed you :)
    Check out my blog, It’s a Love Story and follow me! Please :)

  2. these images are beautiful. i would really like to experiment with photography more! x


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