Sunday, May 29, 2011

7 on Sunday

Hello everyone and happy Sunday! I am currently on a memorial day weekend get-away to West Yellowstone and Big Sky but I decided to continue my 7 on Sunday post and I hope you enjoy the series. I wasn't really lusting after much online this week, lusting just didn't feel right after a week of thinking about the rapture, many of the items on the list I own or are just things I wanted to make my readers aware of. Enjoy and if you have anything you think I might like please leave me a comment and it might make it's way on to a future 7 on Sunday list!
1. Seroogy's Mint Meltaway Bars
I had a dream on Monday night that I had to walk all over Utah selling these candy bars to raise money for tuition and since I woke up that morning I've been craving  like 4 mint melt away bars in my belly right now. link. 
2. Bridesmaids
I saw this movie a couple weeks ago with Sergio and I loved it! I must report that I think Bridesmaids is way funnier than The Hangover Part 2. Kristin Wiig is amazing in her role and part of the movie is set in Milwaukee Wisconsin!
3. My New Polaroid T1035 touch screen point and shoot!
Mine is actually a 12.0 megapixel but you get the idea of how it looks. It's been since high school since I had a my own point and shoot. This camera was actually free! No Kidding! My dad's work, P&G, gave him a gift certificate for an appreciation gift to overstock and my parents offered it to me to buy a digital camera. I think my parents offered because I lost my dads DSLR in the Tsunami and my mom didn't want me to Tsunami her camera too. My moms camera by the way is the model before my new Polaroid so I think she is kinda "jelly." Our cameras look dangerously similar as hers is pink and mine is red and have the same bodyshape. This is also the first camera I've ever had that had rechargable batteries which is amazing because lack of batteries was normally the down fall of my 365 feet photo blog.  I've typed enough on this topic just know I loveeeeeeee my new camera.
4. Salvation Mountain
I've been obsessed with going to Salvation Mountain in my mini van since I saw it at the beginning of the week on a random blog. I can't say more because it speaks for itself.  link.
5. My Sleepyhead Represent Your Roots tank that finally came in the mail!
I found this lovely thing, that I featured in this 7 on Sunday post,  in my mail box on Thursday and couldn't be happier. I love Wisconsin! Purchase Link.
6. Dolica mini table top tripod
I bought the same mini tripod, as shown above, from overstock when I ordered my point and shoot. This tripod has really allowed me to see the full potential of my digital camera. Good bye blurry photogs! The legs are collapsible so it gets bigger than pictured. If you don't currently own any tripod or are hesitant about how much you need one I suggest you buy this starter one for only 9 bucks because trust me you DO need it! Link.  
7. Good Design Is Good Business's new layout! 
 My really good friend Sarah did some Html and CSS work on her blog this past week and it really inspired me not to change up my blog but to do some spring cleaning! I am going through my pages and editing my words while feeling completely embarrassed because I've had so many typos up for months! Oh well! Check out Sarah's blog RIGHT now she is amazing and my blogging soul mate. P.s. The above photo is from her blog anddd it doesn't really have anything to do with her layout I just chose to use it because she looks like a DIVA! Link.

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