Thursday, March 14, 2013


If you would please excuse my absence as I've just returned from the best vacation/most enjoyable week of my life. This past week was one hectic ride and I loved every. single. second. I turned Twenty four [!!!] last Thursday and have never been happier turning any other age except for that magical birthday of Eighteen. In celebration of my birthday my family showered me with thoughtful gifts, decorated the house with balloons then ate homemade ice cream cake with me. Sergio accompanied me on a fabulous day trip to SLC on Thursday to check out a new museum. On Friday my family and I drove five quick hours to the happiest place on earth... Moab! Needless to say I spent the next three days in a state of pure bliss. Lastly, Monday was the two year anniversary of the tsunami which affected my life greatly. This past couple days has been a complete whirl wind but I adored every part of it. I will continue regular postings shortly but until then I hope you enjoy and celebrate each breath you take today and everyday.

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