Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where The Sage Brush Grows...

Sergio and I only have one or two days off a week, usually, but this weekend we actually had Friday AND Saturday. A two day break isn't exciting for us but having an actual weekend off for the first time since July which is post worthy in and of itself! On Friday I got glammed out and headed down to campus to go out to for a pre-dance dinner date, which ended up being our entire evening. When we arrived at the dance the dress code turned out to be casual... as in jeans and t-shirts. I felt ridiculous in a dress and heels. After the disappointment of Friday, Saturday was super fun. Sergio and I headed to the homecoming parade (a bit late as always) and then went to the farmers market. Then we hung around Logan until about six for the homecoming football game. I am a football chick born. I was born and raised in Small town USA which also happens to be the only small town in the USA with it's own NFL Football team. So it is not at all a stretch for me to claim I was raised on football. Saturday was the first USU football game I was able to attend this season. I took the semester off so I have to pay twenty bucks a ticket per game in contrast to free when I am enrolled. All that aside my Saturday was so, so, so much fun! Coach Anderson had requested a white out and we, Aggies, delivered! It was weird to see the entire student section flooded in white and not our true blue. It was a good game with some really fun running plays to watch. I was disappointed because we thought winning our homecoming game would be reason enough for the student section to storm the field and sadly that didn't happen. I was waiting.

P.s. See the third photo? It is of Old Main. the A is only lit blue when one of our sports teams win. It was thrilling to see a blue A after the homecoming game! I loved how the white out seemed to energize every attendees school spirit.

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