Sunday, October 7, 2012


I love Sundays from the moment I wake up bright and early to get ready for church untill the moment I close my eyes on Monday's eve. I love singing songs of praise that speak to my soul before hearing a message that refreshes my soul much the same way as water refreshes my physical body on Sunday's at church. I feel that Sunday seems to cruise into the hectic expectations of the work week and whispers 'halt' and of course I listen. All my goals tend to be lofty ones on Sunday.  for example some of the things I would like to do today include walking around in the leaves and baking some comfort food for my sick boyfriend... meaning cookies. I would not mind watching a couple football games. It wouldn't bother me if I was able to accomplish washing AND folding a few loads of laundry in addition to putting up spooky Halloween decorations. Another thing I would enjoy is cross stitching something pretty just for myself. Finding time to update my Netflix que and working a some art would be added bonuses today also. For me Sunday's holds no pressure and endless possibility. I hope everyone has a blessed, relaxing and beautiful Sunday. If Your Sunday holds no promise of relaxation I hope you can find a moment to just slow down and breath today.

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