Sunday, July 29, 2012

7 on Sunday : Running Edition

1. I really love this running inspiration because there's a positive message that doesn't also diminishing one's current self worth.
2. This marathon training schedule from Shape Magazine has been itching my brain. I might start doing it but I feel nervous.
3. I am really interested in the Nike FuelBand bracelets but I am not convinced it is worth the 150 dollars, I think the mobile software aspect of it is really cool but I think I will stick with my Pedometer and food diary for now.
4. I've been on the hunt for cute exercise tee's to wear while jogging/walking/biking since I live in a small town and people notice when you've worn the same 4 shirts running for the last 3 weeks. This Nalgene V-neck is perfect. I need it. Plus it has a mountain lion on it. score.
5.  I LOVE the way the dip dye sports bras from Target look. I MUST get either the Lime/Turquoise Bra or the Blue/Aqua Bra
6. Once I reach my fitness (not weight loss) Goal I am buying myself these shoes. I promised myself I would about a year ago and I am getting really close.
7. Speaking of shoes this pair is  pretty cool, I need to replace my jogging shoes soon and I've got my eye on those. grey and mint. too perfect. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you're more into running! I am too. I really miss you! Are you planning on doing a marathon?


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