Thursday, January 19, 2012

Plaid & Grey

Sometimes I start layering on clothes that I am really excited about then I  wind up with an outfit that totally embodies my personality more than I can comprehend. Even my mom remarked that I was the only person she knew who would be able to pull off an outfit like this and actually make it work. Pretty sure I was glowing after she said that because I had thought the same thing but was far too humble to say it out loud. I really think that it tends to be the case that my most successful and true to myself outfits happen when no pressure is involved. Any one else have similar experiences?
One last thing - can you believe this is my backyard? I still can't get over those lovely mountains. As loyal as I am to Wisconsin the Wasatch Mountains have come to mean home to me and will always hold a place in my heart. I took these photos at the end of December on a day that was so warm I was able to sit on my patio and read in the sunshine... with no coat! It was blissful. 

Outfit Details 
 Scarf // Gift 
Grey Butterfly shirt // Gift
Dress // Target 
Leggings // Target
Ballet Slippers // Payless

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