Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Snowy Mountain Style

Last Thursday Fall weather arrived on campus and by that I mean SNOW on the mountains, again! Every morning I pull open my blinds and squeal with delight to find another overcast damp day waiting for me! I've been practically living in my rain boots because of the nonstop rain but I am not complaining because I love, love, love these gray days. I actually feel more inspired artistically on a damp rainy fall days then a cool sunny fall afternoon. Two downfalls of my current weather situation: 1. For some unknown reason dark, damp and cold days make me want read Harry Potter all day long instead of attending classes or doing course work and secondly this cold weather is making me CRAVE Christmas so much I can almost taste the Holiday Season approaching. I've am seriously getting tortured this year between the snow on the mountains, crisp sweater/hot cocoa weather and Christmas marketing season upon us! Did just reference Christmas Ad's? Yup, I saw my first two Christmas commercials last night! So exciting!
The spot that Sergio and I took these photos at is actually the grassy area around a parking lot located near my dorm. Yeah, I said it! A PARKING LOT! Jealous? You should be because my campus is more gorgeous than yourssss. Kidding. Not really.  I am pretty sure I mirror the entire blogging community when I say I love Fall but because it is a distraction for my thoughts from Christmas which TRULY is my favorite time of the year. 
I've been wearing these jeans like twice a week. If I would be keeping track I think my most worn item in my closet would be a tie between my rain boots and these mud jeans I picked up from Kohl's for a hefty eight bucks. SPENDY. I hate to admit it though their rein is coming to an end they are becoming too baggy [yay for positive wardrobe problems!] to wear and have been known, lately, to create an unflattering butt situation that will be addressed as soon as funds arise.

Outfit Details 
Vest // Tjmaxx 
Jeans // Mudd Brand from Kohl's 
Knit Dress Worn As Sweater // Gift from Sergio's Sister B
Wellies // Office purchased in Dublin
Red Bakelite Bracelet // Thrifted
Red Necklace // Wedding Party Gift from My Brothers Wedding

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