Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What I've read // Holes

I read Holes like 4 weeks ago. I finally read the book before a movie spoiled the story for me! I figured the plot out pretty quick but Holes was still an enjoyable summer read. I might even watch the movie. might.   
Disclaimer 1: What I've read posts may WILL be a tad saturated with children books for the next couple weeks. Why? When I was a child I was put into special reading comprehension classes. To be honest to this day I truly don't know why, and I always despised being in those classes. I felt I need to prove to the teachers that I was a strong, if not the strongest, reader. I went from children's phonetic novels to historical fiction mainly the topic of Anne Frank and the Holocaust directly into adult fiction. I was reading at a college sophomore level of reading comprehension in 6th grade, again why was I in those classes? While my peers read sweet valley high/box car children I was devouring the  semi-for-a-sixth-grader-smutty world of Alex Cross via James Patterson at a rate of 1 or 2 books a day; holla at me Alex Cross! I missed the whole genre of young adult fiction when I was in fact a young "adult" because I felt I needed to prove something to the world. Fast forward to present day: I feel like I missed out.
Disclaimer 2: I was torn to retake the photos for this post until I realized I really don't feel like it. I am not sure what I was thinking when I was setting my camera just before taking these photos; don't judge me for being a camera n00b.

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