Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Party in the USA

One thing I have enjoyed about living in small town Utah is going to adorable small town events! For example last night Sergio and I headed out to a local town that that happens to be the home of the largest migratory bird refuge in America to watch the fire in the sky. We discovered this unassuming firework location last summer when Northern Utah rescheduled Independence Day to the 5th of July because July 4th was Sunday! SERIOUSLY?! YOU CAN'T RESCHEDULE FREEDOM PEOPLE! (I am still really irritated by that) Last summer I had freshly relocated to Utah about 14 days before the 5th and had not expected much, because I mean the firework happened on the 5th, so you better believe me when I say it turned out to be the best firework displays I've ever seen! ok...ok so maybe the show isn't mind blowing but the wonderful part is how close the firework are to the festival. The photos, above, of last nights fireworks are not zoomed in at all. Pretty neat right?! I love almost any type of celebration so I felt like I just had to share my photos from last night and tell y'all the firework wound up being fantastic again!

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