Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What I've Read // The Secret Life of Bees

I broke my golden rule : I saw this movie last summer before I read the book BUT in my defense I had no idea it was based off of a novel. I wonder how many movies I have seen that where based on books I have no idea exhist? I bet a lot and I bet the books are way better. As is the case with The Secret Life of Bees! Although I should comment that the film adaption of The Secret Life of Bees is almost verbatim to the novel, but the movie  lacks the southern charm within the youthful narration of Lily Owens and most importantly intimacy between characters is not conveyed as effectively. That is in my opinion of course. I came into possession of this book while I was helping out at a rummage sale to raise money to build a museum in my town... best 10 cents I have ever spent in my life! Before I laid my eyes upon the matte cover of The Secret Life of Bees a couple Saturdays ago I had no idea such an eloquent novel had been published.
The Secret Life of Bees is a remarkable tale of love, loss, religion and acceptance narrated by darling Lily Owens, but at times I felt Lily's story of guilt and my own stories of guilt were one in the same. The way that Sue Monk Kidd began each chapter with an excerpt from various books about bee keeping that sums up the chapter the reader is about to embark upon is thrilling, that is once the reader catches on. The Secret Life of Bees is full of tiny moments that seemed to have been inspired by pure magic. I loved every second I spent reading this novel. I think every mother, daughter, aunt and sister should read the delicate story of female empowerment found within the covers of The Secret Life of Bees.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for review this book :) I did enjoy the movie as well.


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